Wall Street rubes and super unicorns are trying to repackage the credit card and call it FINTECH. Be advised: lipstick on a pig is quaint and fun but it’s nothing you want to tell your mother about. Third party payment services are funny haha. The credit card looks like a 50 year old clown to me. Relying on legacy banks and governments to account and allow for your transactions is a load of shit.
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Financial Gatekeepers
Removing Financial Barriers
Erecting financial barriers in the name of regulation is last-century garbage. The tools used to control and organize people’s value will slowly give way to the free exchange of goods and services without state sponsored clearinghouses and manufactured scarcities.
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Your Trading Account Is Suspended
The true story of centralized exchanges.
I don’t blame the compliance people. They are dutifully performing the ritual given to them by legislators and regulators– apex predators that force us into DOD acquisition scams, fake wars, fake national emergencies and perpetual conflict.
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Can Blockchain Integrate With The Real World?
Is this real? Is time an abstraction? Are tiny microbes in my stomach talking to me?
Code is a mathematical concept not a physical reality. If you attempt to attach real world things to a blockchain, the utility is contaminated and rendered obsolete. Therefore, it is without any input from reality that gives blockchain value.
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How To Send Money Around The World
Global Finance Without The Bullshit
I want to do business with a friend in Spain, a customer in Sweden, a person in Guatemala, a relative in California, a client in Caledonia, a supplier in China. Imagine trying to accept and send payments to all of these individuals.
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