You think it’s a good idea to distance yourself from groups of infected people.
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Calling The Bottom. Investment Strategies From Hell.
All Stops Leading To Hell. Climb Aboard The Wall Street Death Train.
You’ll recognize the bottom of this current market downturn when you see indicators flashing HELL, HELL, HELL. The market has now reached the depths of hell and will show signs of hegemonic death knells and capital pig out-gassing.
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A Sick Excuse for a Market Correction. Reconnecting Reality to Wall Street.
The Illusion of Supply/Demand Economics. Enter The Pandemic.
There is nothing like a Pandemic to reconnect the illusion of reality to Wall Street returns. When your market goes up, and up, and up, and doesn’t respond to supply side economics (because the government injects trillions of dollars into the supply), when your market is no longer based in reality, your market is exposed as a fraud. A Nation State Ponzi scheme, Wall Street, Neoliberal Finance.
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The Purpose of NATO and the UN – A One Act Play
Corporate Weapon System Circle Jerk
The purpose of NATO and the UN is to BUY American Weapon Systems
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Government Outlaws Encrypted Communications – Backdoor Men in Uniforms
Lindsey Graham Only Wants Lockheed Martin To Encrypt Your Dic Pics
It’s important to understand that legislative attempts to outlaw person to person communications (by requiring private keys) is an attempt to outlaw the decentralized networks that will undermine everything the Corporate State has been working to create in the last one hundred years:
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